
FESTURI - a multicultural celebration Inc.

In 2012, FESTURI's annual multicultural festival will be a part of the 2012 Caloundra Fringe Festival on 22 & 23 Septemberl. The festival is held in the Kings Beach and Bulcock Beach foreshore/parkland areas (Caloundra, Queensland, Australia).

The 2 day festival is a free community event and includes a wide range of international food, local multicultural performers, workshops (drumming, music, dance, art), buskers, art and information displays, merchandise stalls, kids rides and lots more!

A feature is a Multicultural Parade, where many people can come along in costumes from other countries, wave their flags and showcase their groups.
Local groups such as Scouts, Lifesavers, Schools also love to be involved in the parade.

Our office is based in the SCAIP Building, 80 Howard Street, Nambour, Queensland, Australia.

The office hours are:
Monday - Friday 9am to 2.30pm
